domingo, 2 de setembro de 2012

Malls are for zombies!

O terceiro dia de ações com a Ploc! no Loucura Total foi de longe o mais afude. Pra começar o personagem era um zumbi, meu tema favorito e onde eu me sinto mais a vontade.Sem falar que é a máscara mais confortável e que permite melhor visão, então eu tinha praticamente toda mobilidade pra azucrinar dentro do Shopping Total. O figurino era completo, mas eu sentia falta de ter algo pra segurar e encher o saco dos transeuntes, entrei na loja e pedi uma sacola com o logo deles. Agora eu era um zumbi indo as compras e não ficava limitado a frente da loja, interagindo com ambos andares do lugar. The third day of action with the Ploc! Store was by far the best. To start the character was a zombie, my favorite subject and the way I feel more confortable.Not to mention its the best fitting mask wich allow me the best vision, so I had pratically the whole mobility to goofy around inside the Total mall. The costume was complete but I was feeling the lack of something to hold and to annoy the people passing by, I got inside the store and asked for a bag with their logo. Now I was a zombie going to consume and I wasnt limited to the front of the store anymore, interacting with both floors of the whole place. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket me and Pippi, one of the store owners. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket esse guri tava se divertindo demais com a minha presença! now this kid was having a blast with my presence! Photobucket waiting, as always... Photobucket Photobucket mostrando todo meu suingue showing all my swing Photobucket pessoas ducaralho! real nice people! valeu por tudo, Gabi! Photobucket Photobucket toda galera da Ploc! the whole Ploc crew! Photobucket Photobucket minha foto preferida my favorite pic theres a lot more coming from a professional camera, keep on checking!